• Literacy mentoring can have a phenomenal impact on a child's life, and writing is one of the ways in which children can express their feelings. This is especially true when a child knows that they are writing to an adult that understands them, and the trust built between them is something to be treasured. The pen pal program is such a huge benefit to children for this reason. By responding to questions and offering advice, big pen pals become role models and life coaches, enriching the lives of children. The program serves as a platform, allowing students to expand their minds and better visualize their own futures. In addition, they can learn about the many options available to them in life and their own potential for a bright future.

    Current Pen Pal Partners

    Shin Kong Life Insurance, Shin Kong Bank, Shin Kong Security, Shin Kong Volunteer Corps, United Daily News Group, Godot Theatre Company, Hsinchu Air Force Base (2nd Tactical Fighter Wing), Army 601st Aviation Brigade, Real Good (band), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei National University of the Arts

    Pen Pal Events

    Held 3-4 times a year, these events allow both big and small pen pals to connect outside of letter writing. Through visits to different locations, children will have the opportunity to come into contact with the unfamiliar, directly experiencing the diverse nature of society and creating wonderful memories. There are two different types of events:

    Field Trips for Small Pen Pals:

    A. Along the lines of a Take Your Child to Work Day concept, small pen pals are taken on a tour of the various workplaces of their big counterparts and can experience firsthand how different industries operate.
    B. Blending education and entertainment, other events involve ecology, art, sports, etc. and allow children to open up to the possibilities of diversity learning through games.

    Pen Pal Reunion Events:

    A. Special Lectures: Big pen pals with professional backgrounds in a variety of fields share stories about their careers, as well as stories about joy and personal growth in their lives.
    B. Workshops: Big pen pals lead their smaller counterparts in discussions about various professions.

    Past Events:

    2017 Events:

    • First Pen Pal Reunion: Small pen pals were invited to the Taipei Zoo for our first in-person meeting.

    2018 Events:

    • Summer music classes held by the band Real Good.
    • Tour of Hsinchu Air Force Base (Mirage fighters) and the Taoyuan baseball stadium with the Lamigo team.
    • Tour of Shin Kong Security and the United Daily News Group's printing press in Linkou and headquarters in Xizhi to learn about the printing process and work reporters do.
    • Pen Pal Christmas party.

    2019 Events:

    • Baking classes with Instructor Candy.
    • Hands-on DIY catapult class (pop-up workshop) to learn about the principle of leverage.
    • Visits to the Army 601st Aviation Brigade and National Taiwan Science Education Center.
    • Dream Jobs 30 Forum invites outstanding individuals from various professions to share the ups and downs of their careers, allowing children to expand their horizons.