Founded in 1983, the Shin Kong Life Foundation promotes philanthropy with the aim of giving back to the society which gives so much to us.
The foundation works with other non-profit organizations to support an array of causes, and since 1983 we have continued to add to this list.
The foundation's annual report, the Shin Kong Life Tower Run Up, and other events.
The Pen Pal program serves as a platform, allowing students to expand their minds and better visualize their own futures. They can also learn about the many options available to them in life and their own potential for a bright future.
Through storytelling and the Life Theatre, seniors guide schoolchildren to a new understanding of the value of age as well as the different faces of aging, all the while helping to bridge the communication gap between generations.
The Legacy Art Work program lets senior citizens create and use visual art to record life as they experience it: past, present, and future.
Training breast cancer survivors to become ambassadors for prevention and treatment. To spread their knowledge and raise awareness of the importance of breast cancer screening.
Each year the Shin Kong Volunteer Corps works with nearly 30 other social welfare organizations and supports all kinds of non-profits in gathering the manpower they need to host events.
We are spearheading investment in Myanmar, building up local health care resources and training personnel to ramp up the development of family medicine.